Hacettepe University - International Relations
Approved by the Higher Education Council in 1992, our department was established in 1994.
Research Assistants


     Res. Asst. Dr. Göksu UĞURLU

      Research Interests: Public International Law 

      Tasks: Departmental Distance Education Coordinator

      E-mail: goksuugurlu@hacettepe.edu.tr               Tel: +90 0312 297 73 99  (Extension: 128)

      CV           AVESİS


     Res. Asst. Dr. Sevil DUMANOĞULLARI

      Research Interests: Comparative History 


      E-mail: sevilozcalik@hacettepe.edu.tr               Tel: +90 0312 297 73 99  (Extension: 124)



     Res. Asst. Dr. Arzu DEMİREL 

      Research Interests: European Studies

      Tasks: Erasmus+ Learning Mobility Coordinator, Meksis Coordinator

      E-mail: arzudemirel@hacettepe.edu.tr,   irerasmus@hacettepe.edu.tr (for Erasmus+ affairs)                          Tel: +90 0312 297 73 99  (Extension: 126)



     Res. Asst. Ebubekir AYKUT

      Research Interests: Public International Law

      Tasks: Bologna Coordinator

      E-mail: eaykut@hacettepe.edu.tr               Tel: +90 0312 297 73 99  (Extension: 127)



     Res. Asst. Selin KUL 

      Research Interests: Public International Law, International Migration, The Responsibility to Protect

      Tasks: Course and Exam Schedule Coordinator, Departmental Research Assistant Representative

      E-mail: selinkul@hacettepe.edu.tr               Tel: +90 0312 297 73 99 (Extension: 128)



     Res. Asst. Hazal ARSLAN

      Research Interests: International Relations Theories, Geopolitics

      Tasks: Course and Exam Schedule Coordinator, Disabled Students Representative

      E-mail: hazal.arslan@hacettepe.edu.tr               Tel: +90 0312 297 73 99 (Extension: 126)



     Res. Asst. Esra IŞIK 

      Research Interests: Middle East Studies, Israeli - Palestinian Conflict 

      Tasks: Vertical Transfer Coordinator

      E-mail: esragececi@hacettepe.edu.tr               Tel: +90 0312 297 73 99 (Extension: 129)



     Res. Asst. Mustafa KARAKAYA 

      Research Interests: Middle East Studies, Israeli - Palestinian Conflict, Political History

      Tasks: Website Coordinator, Inventory Controller

      E-mail: mustafakarakaya@hacettepe.edu.tr               Tel: +90 0312 297 73 99 (Extension: 122)
