Lecturer Dr. Hürkan ÇELEBİ
Research Interests: Ecology, Paleoecology, Paleontology, Turkish Language, Political History, Human History
Tasks: Orientation Coordinator
E-mail: hurkan@hacettepe.edu.tr Tel: +90 0312 297 73 99 (Extension: 119)
Lecturer Dr. Özlem Pınar ORAN
Research Interests: Security Studies, US Foreign Policy, National Security & Intelligence, Terrorism
E-mail: ozlem.oran@hacettepe.edu.tr Tel: +90 0312 297 73 99 (Extension: 121)
Lecturer Dr. Fatma YILDIZ
Research Interests: African Union, Political Developments in Africa, Sociocultural Structure of Africa - South Africa and Ethiopia in particular -, China's Africa-Connected Belt and Road Project, China - African Countries Relations, Turkey - African Countries Relations, Epidemic Diseases, Colonial Activities in Africa, Interdependence, Soft Power Theories
E-mail: fatmayildiz25@hacettepe.edu.tr Tel: +90 0312 297 73 99 (Extension: 122)